Meet Lisa

Author: Lisa von Werder

Hello hello! My name is Lisa von Werder and I’m a junior Visual Communications Design BFA, which basically means I spend a majority of my time in art and design classes because I’ve chosen to study nothing else. I’m from Shelbyville, IN, and I currently reside in Cavanaugh Hall. A fun, and very important, fact about me is that I’m half-Japanese (and born in Japan, so I can’t ever be POTUS). 

With my standard ND intro out of the way, I’d like to introduce you to everything I’m involved in on campus! I have two jobs, one of which is this lovely Admissions New Media Intern position, where I’m the Design Team Lead. The other is on the WVFI student radio board, as Art Director, where I make logos, posters, and similar visual projects. I’m also heavily involved with the ND Chorale, a mixed concert choir, where I’m starting my second year as Art Commissioner. Other activities I plan on being involved with include Japan Club, theatre, and possibly an a capella group! Seem like a lot? Yeah, it kind of is. But I’m still here!

Speaking of, how did I get “here,” writing this blog post for you to read instead of doing my theology reading? My journey to ND was by no means a straightforward one—it took a lot of procrastinating on my part (see a pattern?) and weighing my options to see what was most viable for me in the long term. Ultimately, Notre Dame offered the best resources, the best campus, and most importantly for me, the best financial aid. Finding a job on campus was the next step to make sure I could stay here, and after working in the dining hall my first year, Jarissa’s suggestion to apply to the New Media Team was almost heaven-sent. Somewhere I could make graphics, write blog posts, and take videos and photos? Seeing all my interests in media in one place seemed too good to be true. So I applied, and the rest is history… a working history.

It’s not quite done yet. I’ve still got two years to go.