Filip Kubicki

Filip Kubicki
Class of 2024
  • Major: Finance
  • Minor: European Studies
  • Citizenship: Poland and United States
  • High School: Poland
  • Contact:

What is your favorite campus tradition?

I love the dorm culture and the annual rivalry week between Dillon Hall (my dorm) and Alumni Hall.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

Without a doubt it is the 7th floor of the Duncan Student Center where I can have a study desk with a breathtaking view on the football stadium field.

What is your best Notre Dame memory?

My best Notre Dame memory so far is working on one of the Student International Business Council projects presentations with open-minded and goal-driven students.

What is your favorite Dining Hall Meal?

I think it's hot waffles with syrup in the morning.

What is your favorite thing about dorm life?

The moment you join one of the Notre Dame dorms you immediately become friends with ca. 200 other residents of this dorm and gain brothers/sisters for life.

What clubs/activities are you involved in?

I am involved in plenty of business clubs, Polish club, Aviation club, and Model UN Club. In addition, I am working with the IDEA Center on my startup. I also try to go to the gym at least 5 times a week but I can't promise you it always works.

What made you choose Notre Dame?

I always dreamed of  positively impacting my community and successfully doing business - it became possible at Mendoza College of Business where we learn how to become great business people and do good through our business decisions.

What is your favorite part about being an international student at Notre Dame?

My favourite part is the very welcoming Notre Dame community. I was surprised how many people were interested in my background and wanted to learn more about Poland.

How did you adjust to life on campus?

Welcome Week played a huge role in my adjustment to living at Notre Dame and it definitely helped a lot with catching the Notre Dame spirit. I also truly enjoyed the Moreau classes that brought me closer with other members of the ND family.

How do you celebrate your culture/heritage at ND?

I am a member of the Polish Club and I am involved in many projects concerning Europe with the Nanovic Institute. I am also a big advocate of Poland when anyone asks me for vacation destination recommendations or new food recommendations.

What advice do you have for international students?

Be proud of your background because you are the only person who has such a unique and valuable perspective as you do!