Happy Easter!

Author: Hailey Oppenlander


Happy Easter! 

Each year, one of the visible signs of the Easter season on campus is the blooming of the tulips. Surrounded by the bed of budding flowers, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue extends his hands outwards facing the Dome. The statue reads, “VENITE AD ME OMNES,” which translates to “Come to me, everyone!” 

As a senior, this statement takes on a bittersweet meaning. My friends and I all answered the call, coming to Notre Dame from different places, backgrounds, interests, and dreams. Over the four years, we’ve found a home here in each other and in Notre Dame. 

And just as we came from a wide variety of places, we will soon disperse across the country and the world, with opportunities awaiting us everywhere from New York City to the Vienna countryside to right here in South Bend. Like the tulips that welcome spring, our futures feel full of hope and new beginnings. 

Even after I graduate in just one short month, I know that the call, “Come to me, everyone!” will still remain. Even though we might not be able to physically come home to Notre Dame, we will always have each other, the Notre Dame community, and our faith to anchor us, no matter where we are.

May the arrival of spring be a time of renewal and rebirth for you — spiritually, academically, mentally, and otherwise. As we emerge from Lent and from winter, I hope that you find yourself blooming and growing just as the tulips do each year.

Once again, Happy Easter from the ND Admissions team!