Meet the Intern: Meaghan Northup

Author: Meaghan Northup

Meaghan Headshot 2 Edited

Hello! My name is Meaghan Northup and I am a sophomore Content Specialist Intern from Louisville, Kentucky. I am majoring in Business Analytics with a minor in French. I currently reside in Pasquerilla West Hall as a proud Purple Weasel! On campus, I am involved with the Hall President’s Council as VP of my hall, French Club, Mercy Works, Student International Business Council, and Irish Consulting Club.

Some of my favorite things to do on campus include cooking in the dorm kitchen, going to exercise classes in Duncan Student Center, walking around the lake, and doing my homework on Library Lawn. Additionally, I am a huge football fan. Despite having no understanding of the game until college, I love watching in the stadium with all of my friends! There is nothing better than going up for touchdown push-ups.

I am so excited to be a part of Notre Dame Admissions and look forward to sharing my experience here with everyone! One piece of advice that I would give to high school students is to bravely take risks. At Notre Dame I have tried to push myself and step out of my comfort zone. One of my favorite quotes is this:

“These things will be hard, but you can do hard things.”

-Glennon Doyle

I am definitely a perfectionist and love to plan. When I am stressed, I make myself a to-do list. Yet, Notre Dame challenges me to try things I’ve never done before. For instance, running for Vice-President of Pasquerilla West Hall was terrifying. I had no clue how it would go. But as I reflect back on all the friendships, memories, and hall events that have come from that risk, I am forever grateful. On a smaller scale, I try to always say hi to friends new and old when I see them around campus. If I don’t know or remember someone’s name, I just ask.  Even when busy with homework, I make an effort. I am a firm believer that stopping in Hesburgh Library to have a 10 minute conversation with a friend, going to mass on Sundays, or regularly attending yoga class is as crucial as anything else as a Notre Dame student. I try to remind myself to work hard not only in my academics, but also through my extracurriculars, my job, my friendships, and my faith. As I learned at the Notre Dame vs. Georgia Tech football game last fall, 55 touchdown push-ups may make your arms sore, but it is always worth it.