Angela Betz

Angela Betz
Admissions Counselor

  • Texas (excluding greater Houston and Rio Grande Valley)
  • Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Moldova, Switzerland
  • China - Shanghai

Hometown: Hicksville, OH 

Alma mater and majors:
University of Notre Dame, with majors in Classics and Anthropology

Favorite place on campus:
Bond Quad! It's a beautiful, quiet corner of campus, with a nice view of the lakes, the Basilica, and the Dome. Plus, on game days, you can see the band perform on the steps of Bond Hall.

South Bend recommendation:
Morris Performing Arts Center—the building is gorgeous inside and out, and you can hopefully catch a show too!

Advice to Applicants:
Listen to your heart! Be open to where your heart is leading you all throughout the application process, from choosing colleges to tour to writing your application essays.