Elizabeth Soller

Elizabeth Soller
Assistant Director

  • Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia
  • Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
  • India (Bihar, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Indore (Madya Pradesh), Jaipur (Rajasthan), Jharkhand, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh)

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

Alma mater and major:
University of Notre Dame, Program of Liberal Studies

Favorite place on campus:
The Main Building's South Steps. It is not only the perfect place to look out on God Quad, but it is also the ideal spot to watch the Band of the Fighting Irish march out on Game Day! 

South Bend recommendation:
South Bend Farmers Market! It is a great place to spend time with the local community along with picking up succulents, tea, bakery goods, and many more vital necessities for any college student. 

Advice to Applicants:
Give yourself time! The first answer that comes to you may not always be the best answer, and the fastest answer does not always reveal the most important parts of yourself. Whether you are discerning your home for the next four years or determining your essay topic, allow yourself time to reflect on what is important to you. What are your "essentials"?