Erin Camilleri

Erin Camilleri
Director, Recruitment and Strategic Partnerships

  • Argentina, Chile, Guyana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela
  • Ireland

Tunkhannock, PA

Alma mater and Major
University of Notre Dame; BA in Theology and Computer Applications; Master of Divinity

Favorite place on campus:
Old "hitching post" on God Quad; Seeing how the center of campus used to be the perimeter always reminds me how much Notre Dame has grown from a small all boys school to a world-renowned University!

South Bend recommendation:
The St. Joseph River Walk is a great place to go biking or running...a chance to enjoy some of the lovely local parks.

Advice to Applicants:
Remember to spend time with your friends and family during your senior year. This is precious time and next year you will be on to new adventures!