Montanna Kirven

Montanna Kirven
Assistant Director

  • Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York (Westchester County, St. Lawrence Valley and Adirondacks), Rhode Island
  • Belarus, Russia, Poland, Ukraine

Hometown: Carlsbad, CA

Alma mater and major: University of Notre Dame, English

Favorite place on campus: The Grotto and the Law Library! Such pretty places to spend a peaceful moment! 

South Bend recommendation: The St. Joe River—I spent a lot of time here as a coxswain on the rowing team! For food, PEGGS has the best breakfast in downtown South Bend! 

Advice to Applicants:
You've got this! Shake off all those little voices of insecurity -- you are capable and incredible. Find a moment of peace to reflect on what you value and how those values are going to inform where you decide to call home for the next four years. All in all: take a deep breath, stay genuine, and be courageous!