Taylor Erickson

Taylor Erickson
Admissions Counselor

  • Arizona, California (Central California, Imperial Valley, San Diego, Sacramento), Nevada, New Mexico

Nashville, TN

Alma mater and Major:
University of Notre Dame, Gender Studies and English (Honors Creative Writing)

Favorite place on campus:
The 45 yard line on the football field in Notre Dame Stadium. Don't ask me how I know, but it did involve a trumpet and hours of rehearsal... #marchingband

South Bend recommendation:
The South Bend Farmers' Market is absolutely wonderful! It's a great spot to get fresh, farm-grown produce, baked goods, homemade crafts, and much more. There's even a restaurant in the middle of the market, or you can get yourself a fresh, hot Ben's pretzel (which I highly recommend). Even if you just want to walk around, it's a great opportunity to get out and is definitely a must see!

Advice for Applicants:
First and foremost, be yourself. I know this may be something that you’re hearing more and more as you navigate the application process, but it’s true, especially in your essays. This is one of my favorite parts of the application because it is where I get to hear from you directly. I’ve heard all about you from other people, like in your letter(s) of recommendation, but your essays are really your time to show me what you are passionate about. So, all of that said, be yourself.

Second, this is one of the busiest times for you. I know it can be easy to get caught up in chaos, but make sure you are also taking time for yourself. Read a book, write a poem, go see a movie with your friends—do at least one thing everyday that makes you smile. And if you ever need any help, please do not be afraid to ask!