Zach Klonsinski

Zach Klonsinski
Senior Assistant Director

  • Minnesota, Missouri (Kansas City), Wisconsin
  • Rwanda, Kenya
  • France, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Monaco
  • China - Beijing

Belgrade, MT

Alma mater and Major:
Notre Dame, History

Favorite place on campus:
Next to the Fr. Sorin Statue overlooking Saint Mary's Lake

South Bend recommendation:
St. Patrick's County Park. It has great trails that go right along the river, a great amphitheater, and is a wonderful spot to spend a sunny afternoon!

Advice to Applicants:
Colleges truly want to get to know you! I think applicants get too wrapped up in trying to imagine what colleges want a student to say and crafting a "perfect" answer to that, when really your best answer will come by asking yourself: "What do I want to tell colleges about me?" Don't be afraid to ask family, friends, teachers, etc. what they think makes you, well, you!