All About Keough

Author: Tajae Thompson

Tajae Web Fun

Keough Hall is a men’s dorm located on West Quad, that houses roughly 270 undergraduate students. The dorm has a similar layout to the other dorms on West Quad (Welsh Fam, McGlinn, O’Neill) with four floors, each with a lounge, and a kitchen, family room, and study room on the first floor. Keough Hall was built to help replace Grace and Flanner Hall, which are two - seven-story buildings located on Mod Quad. The buildings are now used for both administrative and class purposes. Their rector is Rev. Brogan Ryan, CSC who graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor's in Accounting.

In the 2008-2009 academic school year, Keough was named Hall of the Year for the first time, only twelve years after it was built. The Keough Kangaroos have a very popular signature event, the Keough Chariot Race. In this event students who live in and outside of Keough can build their chariot and race each other around a course on campus. The signature event is followed by a dance!

Keough also has another popular event, their Toga Dance. All dorms on campus have an SYR which is a themed dance usually held in the fall semester. For Keough, their residents and their respective dates can dress in togas for a fun off-campus dance! A friend of mine who has lived in Keough, said, “Toga dance was a great way to celebrate with my brothers and our dates the camaraderie throughout Keough!”

Just like all residence halls on campus, Keough has an amazing community that is built and maintained by all those who live there. Residents describe the community as one that “makes you feel like you belong, like you have a home.” Some sections in Keough hold a section dinner every Sunday night as a way for members who live in the same section to get to know each other. It is a great way for upperclassmen to connect with underclassmen and vice versa. Meeting large groups of people all at once is not for everyone, section events are typically smaller and enable you to meet the people who live around you in a casual setting. Dorm life can be amazing and by getting involved you can ensure that your experience is unforgettable.