All About St. Edward's

Author: Sarah Price


Saint Edward's Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus and is one of a select few that have been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1882, St. Edward's Hall was constructed from the same yellow brick that the Holy Cross Brothers forged from the marl of the campus lakes. 

The building in its initial days was home to the University's grammar school and provided education for young children. The institution of the grammar school allowed Notre Dame to truly become a home for some from the cradle to the grave, which began a tradition of the Notre Dame family that is still alive today. 

It wasn't until 1928 that the grade school was transitioned into undergraduate housing for men living on campus. During World War II, Sorin and St. Edward's were the only two residential halls that remained occupied by civilian students as the University had financial and educational contributions from the armed forces due to drafting for the war.

Since then, the hall has undergone several restorations, one of which was after a fire. None of these obstacles have suppressed the St. Edward's spirit and the residents are still very much proud to be a "St.Edsman." 

Today, the dorm is known for two main events on campus: Mullets for Malaria and the Yacht Dance. The former is a large charity event that raises thousands of dollars for the Nothing But Nets organization, which provides nets to those living in areas where they are at high risk of contracting malaria. This event has the residents of St. Eds (all voluntarily, of course) cut their hair so that they have...mullets. Yes, mullets. This fundraiser is awesome and really is for a great cause!

The latter, the Yacht Dance, is one of the most prestigious dorm formals that Notre Dame has. St. Ed's hosts this formal on, as anticipated, a yacht, and it is a very exclusive event. Many have wanted to go to yacht dances, but it is only offered to the residents of St. Edward's hall and their date/guest.

All in all, this historic dorm and its 154 residents have an incredible history attached to this building and its heart. St. Ed's has thrived for over a hundred years, and it is almost certain that this pattern of distinction will continue