Get Involved: Student Government

Author: Lulu Romero

Lulu Romero headshot

Like most students coming to Notre Dame, Student Government was a huge part of my high school career. Having been involved in student council and ASB (Associated Student Body) in my four years of high school, I knew I wanted to continue serving the student body that I was involved in to further its tight-knit community. With this in mind, in my freshman year I decided to run to become my hall’s representative for First Year Class Council. I honestly did not think I was going to win the election since it happened at the beginning of the semester, and I thought I didn’t know enough people in my building to win. I was shocked to have won the election and later on became First Year Class Secretary. I fell so in love with Class Council (CC) that I have continued serving in CC this year as Sophomore Class Vice President!

What was really refreshing to me about Student Government at Notre Dame was how many forms of government were available for us to participate in. There are nine branches of government available and each branch works a different side that is essential to the student body’s unity. Whether you are interested in policy making, event programming, or finances, there is a student government group for you. Here is a breakdown of the nine branches of Student Government at Notre Dame:

  1. Executive Cabinet

The Executive Cabinet’s goal is to advance the agenda of the Student Body President and Vice President to protect the interests of students in all areas of University life. The Student Body President and Vice President are elected by the Student Body, and they then appoint an Executive Cabinet director and standing members through an interview process. Directors focus on specific branches of University life to create or make policy changes.  

  1. Senate

The Student Senate is the legislative body of the Student Union where representatives from each dorm come together to discuss various University life issues. The Senators act as a representative voice for his/her dorm members, thus the Senate represents the opinion of the Student Body. Senate meetings are open to the public! (unless otherwise stated)

  1. Student Union Board  (SUB)

SUB works to enhance student life through providing social, intellectual, and cultural opportunities to foster community and student engagement on campus. SUB is composed of dorm representatives, directors, and committee members. Dorm reps are chosen by elections, and directors are chosen on an application basis.

  1. Hall Presidents Council (HPC)

HPC provides a forum for members to discuss matters of residential life and coordinate hall programming with other residence halls. After HPC meets to gather the information of the student body events, each dorm holds Hall Council meetings that are led by the Hall President and Vice President. All dorm members are welcome to attend.

  1. Club Coordination Council (CCC)

CCC is composed of club members elected by their peers to represent all recognized student clubs on campus. The CCC is in charge of funding allocations for clubs and serves as a representative for all clubs. 

  1. Judicial Council

Judicial Council ensures that all branches of Student Government operate ethically, within the constitution, overseeing all elections and allegations. Judicial council has four major subgroups within its branch, Parliamentarian, Elections, Peer Advocacy, and Ethics Commission. 

  1. Class Council (Lulu’s favorite branch!)

Class Councils promote the well-being of their respective class through sponsoring event programming to promote class unity. Class Council is made up of members from all of campus who create fun, class-wide events, prayer services, apparel designs, and more! Each Class Council is composed of four officers - President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

  1. Off-Campus Council

Off-Campus Council serves as a voice for students residing off-campus, providing input to needs of those students with different issues than those residing in dorms. This includes the sponsorship of events to enhance the student experience off campus. The Off-Campus Council is composed of a President, Vice President, a senator, and six student ambassadors chosen by the President. 

  1. Financial Management Board (FMB)

FMB is responsible for the creation and maintenance of a budget for the Student Union. FMB conducts an annual hearing to ensure the fair allocation of student funds in addition to upholding fiscal policy of the Constitution. FMB is chaired by the Student Union treasurer and includes treasurers from Executive Cabinet, SUB, HPC, CCC, and the four Class Councils, as well as the Off-Campus President and Judicial Council President. 

I hope one of these branches of government suits your interest and that you are encouraged to apply/run and serve the student body and community you are involved in!

Live Love Student Government!