Meet Jenny!

Author: Jenny Moore

Hello past, present, and future Irish! My name is Jenny Moore, and I am thrilled to be a part of the Admissions Intern team this year. I first heard about the team from a friend that was a part of it last year. As an intern, she absolutely loved sharing her passion for Notre Dame with others, and I am excited to do the same this year!

A little about me: not quite sure where the last three years went, but I am now a senior here at ND double majoring in marketing and psychology. My home under the dome is Ryan Hall (Go ‘Cats!), and I hail from Lake Villa, Illinois a.k.a. the northern suburbs of Chicago. I consider myself to be a pretty classic Suburban-Chicago Midwesterner – cheering on da Bears, enjoying a slice of deep dish pizza, and dealing with unpredictable seasonal weather are all in a day’s work.

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I am an avid sports fan, so Saturdays during football season are sacred to me. My favorite teams besides the Irish are the Blackhawks, Bears, and White Sox. My love for my teams runs deep, so my friends know by now that my mood is usually tied to the results of big games, for better or worse. I participate in as many intramural sports as I possibly can, from interhall flag football and basketball to dodgeball and broomball. My other favorite hobby is baking. Cakeballs are my specialty, and you can find me in Ryan Hall every Tuesday making them at FJs, one of my dorm’s greatest traditions where the women of Ryan gather to share in community and baked goods with our priest-in-residence, Father Joe Carey. It is the best part of my week!

On campus, I work as a student intern for the Athletics Marketing Department, assisting with promotions at ND sporting events like soccer, basketball, hockey, and softball. I also recently began working for Notre Dame International. I spent last spring semester abroad in Dublin, Ireland, so I love staying connected to my passion for learning about the world and travel through my work at NDI. Last but certainly not least, I have had the incredible opportunity to be a part of The Shirt Committee for the past two years, helping with marketing and the Unveiling Ceremony that happens each spring. Big shout out to everyone who supported the Green Out against Michigan!

Notre Dame has been my dream school since I was a kid, so it’s a little crazy realizing that I am embarking on the beginning of my last year at this magical place. That being said, I look forward to cherishing every moment of my senior year and sharing my ND experience with all of you this school year. Go Irish!