Learning Together: A Four-Part Series on Race and Civil Rights

Author: Sarah Price

Sarah 1

Hi there!

My name is Sarah Price and I am a senior majoring in Africana studies and economics.

It is because of Notre Dame's academics and call to cultivate the entire student that I have felt encouraged to speak up in advocacy and compassion around civil rights issues. This calling became more pertinent after the tragedies of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and many others in the first five months of 2020.

Our nation was crying out and in response, my fellow admissions interns and I created the four-part blog series Learning Together, here on the Student Perspectives blog. This project was developed for the sole purpose of bringing to this platform a collection of free, accessible, and accurate resources to strengthen our conversations about race in America. 

Our team sifted through many articles and publications to consciously and sensitively develop this series. We decided that the best way to present this was to provide a framework within which readers could challenge their preconceptions one question at a time.

Learning Together Posts

Learning Together

What is Racism?

First, we ask, what is racism, and how have race, racism, discrimination, prejudice, and power functioned together?

Where Did Racism Begin?

We then ask, where did racism begin? And we take a brief stroll through the foundations of slavery, religion, and American apartheid. This part provides a framework for the next post.

The Effects of Racism

This post looks at segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK, the Civil Rights movement, and many other monuments of 20th-century America affecting today's conversations.

Has Racism Ended?

In the final part of the Learning Together series, it is clear that we as a nation lack a direction to our final goal. It is my belief that no matter how the final goal is achieved, it should be done with action, compassion, and inclusivity at its core.

We hope you find the writings and resources in these posts helpful and enjoy coming along with us on this journey. Thanks for reading along!