Meet the Intern: Vera Leon

Author: Vera Leon


My name is Vera Sofia Leon Asilis and I am a third-year architecture student from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I am currently pursuing a minor in Real Estate and am considering a minor in Italian as well. This year I have the privilege of studying abroad in Rome with my fellow classmates for the entire year. 

On campus, I lived my first year in Lewis Hall and my second year in Walsh Hall. A very important fact is that North Dining Hall is the best dining hall. A little about me, I am a big reader and I love exploring new restaurants and places to eat at (in South Bend and all over). Apart from working in ND Admissions, last year I also worked with the Office of Sustainability as Graphic Designer, and this year in Rome I am the official photographer for all our field trips and fun events. 

Some advice I would give to people applying to college is to show your essence and personality in your essays. ND Admissions wants to learn about who you are, not just your numbers. Also, considering how overwhelming the college application process is, have faith that everything happens for a reason as it is meant to. Personally, Notre Dame was and is my dream school, so before getting my decision, I was extremely nervous and anxious over something I had no control over. However, I knew that no matter the decision, it was the right path for me.

Make sure to put yourself out there and meet people. Yes, college is great for networking, but there are so many kind and interesting people that you can learn from and grow with. Notre Dame truly has such a beautiful and supporting community so make sure to absorb all that it has to offer.