Mara Diego

What is your favorite spot on campus? Law School Chapel

What is your best Notre Dame memory? Tough question! But I'll always love the late nights I've spent hanging out with some girl friends and doing Huddle runs for some sugar!

What is your favorite Dining Hall Meal? Bacon andĀ apple spaetzle

What is your favorite thing about dorm life? FREE FOOD ON BETTY'S CHAIR! #babes

What clubs/activities are you involved in? Filipino-American Student Organization, Student Government, Human Development Conference

What made you choose Notre Dame? Ultimately it was the warm community life I got to experience over a visiting weekend in the summer and the faith presence on campus.

What is your favorite part about being an international student at Notre Dame? I love being able to share a practice or custom that is totally unheard of anywhere else but the Philippines!

How did you adjust to life on campus? It was a bit of a shaky start, it being the first time I was truly on my own and away from family, but it's all a matter of adopting the right mindset in order to be flexible and open to new experiences!

How do you celebrate your culture/heritage at ND? Being able to spend time with the few (but true!) Filipino students on campus always leaves my heart full, giving me a nice taste of home. We get together to hang out and have meals pretty frequently, and I think this is how I've celebrated my heritage in the U.S.

What advice do you have for international students? While it isn't easy to be away from home and the familiarity, I urge you to challenge yourself to grow and make friends outside of your own culture and circle! It's definitely nice to have people who understand exactly where you're coming from and what you're dealing with only a few steps away, but don't limit yourself to interaction with only people similar to you. I've learned a lot and grown a lot here in ND having been exposed to a wide spectrum of personalities and perspectives here on campus!